[Download] Hey!Say!JUMP - Shops Pics (HQ)
*This entry will be updated depending on the HQ SHOPS*
•Nakajima Yuto•

•Nakajima Yuto•

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.rar file
•Chinen Yuuri•

.rar file
•Yamada Ryosuke•

.rar file
•Ryutaro Morimoto•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Okamoto Keito•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Arioka Daiki•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Hikaru Yaotome•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Takaki Yuya•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Ino Kei•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Yabu Kota•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file

.rar file
•Yamada Ryosuke•

.rar file
•Ryutaro Morimoto•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Okamoto Keito•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Arioka Daiki•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Hikaru Yaotome•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Takaki Yuya•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Ino Kei•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
•Yabu Kota•

DOWNLOAD with logo
.rar file
please, put full credits:
Credits to xinyin & maofish & funnyai
Credits to xinyin & maofish & funnyai
thanks a lot for sharing this
taking thanks ~
本当にありがとうね 色んなことを いっぱい ありますから これからも 頑張って下さいね! すいません、あたしが 英語が ペラペラじゃない 日本語が 書いてくれました。
何度も このファンページfunny ai 入って とても 幸せだよー スタッフの皆が 頑張ってね 外国のジャンプファンが いつも 応援してるよー! 負けないよ! fighting!!
kyaaaa XD!! Thank you!!! and Thank you always T^T , you know? everytimes that i visit to your blog. im gonna to Happy! XD
arigatou for the pics
it´s kawaii ^^
greetings of chile
thanks for the scans! <3
no keito shop pics? xD
taking this... sankyuu ^^